Posts written by Niky-90

  1. .
    I see reflection of me in your eye..
    You touch me in many, many ways ♥ FitGirl

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    CITAZIONE ("SPIKE" @ 7/1/2020, 22:43) 
    Ho letto la trama(+_+)mi ispira..lo compro e lo leggerò al più presto (+_+)

    Se ti piace il genere è una bellissima lettura.
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    CITAZIONE (FitGirl @ 2/2/2020, 18:17) 

    Niky-90 <3 nel caso in cui ti dovesse mancare....lo so cantata da me è tutt'altra cosa :P accontenti per ora :P

    :rid_ah.gif: aspetterò il live :hug.gif:
  4. .
    Living may have learned can be both sloppy and precise
    And so you chose your careful witness to your silly little life
    You begin to trace each others journeys
    You begin to chart each others pace
    You start to notice all the sweetness in the details of their ways
    Because loving they are learning speaks a language of solace
    It speaks volumes about tomorrow when you’re fluent in forgiveness
    And sometimes, only sometimes, they begin to wonder what their 10 year old selves might have said to one another
    Maybe something like
    I’m sorry
    I won’t be with you through this sadness
    Like if I could be your axis, I would spin you past the madness
    Like i wish i had the wing span to just soar you to what’s after
    Like i wish i could just swoop you up and wrap you in my laughter
    Like i wish i could return you to this earth with just my palm
    Like my palm could be your satellite, your job to just hold on
    But your survival will be grace making
    Yes, your arrival will be breath taking
    And I will be here when you beat fear,
    When you reach here,
    When you find me.
    Because sometimes theres a you on a skateboard
    Sometimes there’s a me on a sloped curve
    Sometimes familiar becomes magic
    Sometimes magic needs distance
    Sometimes space is what shapes it,
    And the shape is not instant
    Sometimes the horizon’s surprising
    And the view is worth risking
    And the risk is a long wait but this girl is persistent
    Sometimes the future just means that each day is worth finding
    And this day is a presence
    And this moment is shining
    Sometimes her prayers are just soothing
    Sometimes her face is just lovely
    Years spent searching
    Sometimes people get lucky

    { Alix Olson - Finally, Love Poem }
  5. .
    Pace degli angeli alle 8 di mattina..




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    FitGirl <3
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    My baby
    Together, together, forever
    Till the end of time
    I love you
    I will be your light
    Shining bright
    Shining through your eyes... FitGirl <3
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  10. .
    I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes ❤️ FitGirl ❤️

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  12. .
    ...Perché sei bella dai piedi fino all’anima
    perché sei buona dall’anima fino a me
    perché dolce ti nascondi nell’orgoglio
    piccola e dolce

    cuore corazza
    perché sei mia
    perché ti guardo e muoio
    e peggio ancora muoio
    se non ti guardo amore

    perché tu esisti sempre ovunque
    ma esisti meglio dove io ti voglio.. ♥FitGirl

    - Corazón coraza - Mario Benedetti
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  15. .
    E di tutta questa vita
    io non butterei via niente
    solo una mi completa
    fra milioni di persone FitGirl

2592 replies since 7/7/2009